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Why does airdrop Say Waiting?

There could be several reasons why AirDrop says waiting: Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is turned off. AirDrop requires both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to be enabled on both devices for it to work. If either of these wireless communication options is turned off, AirDrop will not be able to connect and will display "waiting." Devices are not in close proximity.

What if my airdrop waiting time is too long?

If your AirDrop waiting time is too long, or you need to transfer large files between Apple devices, it is recommended to use iPhone Data Transfer, which can help you categorize and transfer files from iPhone/iPad to PC/Mac in one click.

What if I don't receive airdrop?

Receiving Off: You won’t receive AirDrops. Contacts Only: Only your contacts can see your device. Everyone: All nearby Apple devices can see your device in Airdrop. These settings are available: On iPhone / iPad: Go to Settings > General > AirDrop. On Mac: Open a Finder window, select AirDrop and check the “Allow me to be discovered by” setting.

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